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ArmA III base game.


Extended version of ArmA III base game


This upgrade includes the Digital Soundtrack, Map, and Tactical Guide. It does not include Arma: Cold War Assault.


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Infinite possibilities:a mission goes wrong?An ennemi patrol on the way back?Do what you can't do in COD:change your plan...The game is always different...

Even if the graphics arn't the best graphics on earth you need to remember that this game is a fewyears old andstill runs fine.

The different gameplay available on multiplayer are making the possibilites infinite. Add to that the mods and the mission editor and you end up with a game that allowy you to make whatever you whant...


The +

A lot of possibilities and objects,weapons, cars... Possibility to enter in every building.


The -

A bit expensive and the fact that you can't control the objects from the DLC without buying it...












TheDiamondTornado for TheDiamondTornado

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